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daily gratitude- so many kinds of art

I can find art endlessly, mostly because I need to, because I need it. Some favorite places to look: - Alvin Ailey - Savage Jazz Dance Company - Marcus Shelby - 10:37 pm at the adult gymnastics class - Mary Oliver - Joy Harjo - Maya Angelou - Audre Lorde - Pema Chodron - Anne Lamott - US Constitution - Zadie Smith - Michael Tigar - Michael Chabon - in the weave of a motorcycle - in the loft of a custom mattress - in the flight of a dancer - in the freedom of a writer

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seasons of transition

I'm looking out the window, the same window I've faced for the last year of the pandemic. The same window I've faced for years prior to that, as someone who's worked remotely for well over a decade. T

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